Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Narcotics and Nausea

Well I can officially say that I probably have the worst immune system on campus.
I started out be getting an extremely sore, fire-engine-red throat and a 102.2 temperature--I crawled right back into bed. Well my throat was getting better and I went to the Aces vs ISU game which was to be televised on ESPN (Oh you better believe I was seen on TV).
7 hours later (4:30am central time): I have the flu.
Not just any kind of flu but the flu conjured up by Satan himself. I cannot keep anything down--not even a sip of 7up.
I attempted going to my first class of the day. I got there and little old me forgot that my FYS class was ALL ABOUT FOOD. Ten minutes into class, my professor dismissed me and told me to go back to bed. So, I emailed all of my professors saying that I wasn't going to make it to class seeing as how I could barely turn my head to look at the clock.
And if that weren't bad enough my gallbladder decided to seize up on me around 1:00pm and every now and then go into a spasm.
My friend Dimi, bless her, made "36248" trips to the student store to get me things I needed and then preceded to sit with me the entire afternoon.
BUT it doesn't even stop there. Around, oh, midnight I would say the pain in my side became unbearable and by 1:00am Safety and Security was driving us to the hospital.
I wasn't in a good mood at that point--I mean honestly who would be? So, when the squatty little woman behind the desk asked, "Do you need to be seen?" it took everything in me not to say, very sarcastically, "No I don't I just love to come in to the ER at 1am crying to watch info-mercials."
Rude I know. Instead it came out as, "Yes ma'am I do."
So they took my information and vitals and then I got to sit in a wheel chair thing for another 20 minutes while a room opened up.
The worst part of the night was probably the IV. I am not a fan of IVs. I'm not one of those people who has a problem with needles but on an IV the needle is gigantic!
But of course I watched them insert it into my arm (which burned)
Then came sweet relief. The nurse, after drawing 6 tubes of blood, gave me some narcotic to help with the pain and the effects were almost instant. I was swimming in a matter of seconds. Then, after rinsing the tube out with saline, she gave me anti nausea stuff and I felt loads better.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So, Christmas Break just ended and finally I'm back on campus which (hopefully) means I can start posting blogs on a regular basis!
I guess I wasn't quite aware of how much I missed Colorado until I started crying on the plane home when I got to see the mountains through my window. Some call it pathetic and dramatic--I call it love.
I was so excited to be home I could barely contain myself! I was pushing through the crowd like a crazy lady because I knew I was a short train ride away from seeing my mama. 
I had talked to her the day before and I knew my sister had finals and my dad had a game so she told me she would be coming alone--which I was fine with.
Well, of course, I'm sure you can guess she was lying but you don't understand my family quite yet...
While riding the escalator up to the main floor I caught sight of one seriously bright yellow sweatshirt.
I about peed my pants with excitement! It was my adorably confident Best Friend Til I Die Lauren! 
And next to her was our foreign exchange student Maria!
And next to her was my little sister Avery!
And next to her was my wonderful mother Deirdre!
And all wonderful women were holding a sign that said "Welcome Home Breck"
And, as if that wasn't enough already, they started singing!
"Aint no mountain high, aint no valley low, aint no river wide enough baby"

That, in short, describes my family perfectly!

But it doesn't end there. When we arrived in Greeley we went straight to my daddy's game and when he came out of the locker room he ran across the floor and have me a giant one-of-a-kind daddy hug.

It felt good to be home.

I never realized just how much I missed my family--or Colorado in general; I was so hell bent on getting out and now I severely miss everything Colorado holds for me. Who knew! (Well my mom did but that's the blog below. Feel free to read to get a better understanding)
Now after getting back to campus in Indiana, and talking with my mom and dad about things I'm thinking I may be in the wrong place.
I'm not saying that Indiana was a waste! It's been great for me! I discovered that I can be independent; I discovered what I love in life; I discovered so many great friends; and I discovered where I want to go. Indiana is just a stepping stone.
Now, I know that I need to be back in Colorado. Not back home with my parents but in Colorado. I can still be independent and on my own but the school I'm looking at seems to have a better program than Evansville can offer me and so it's an option right now.
BUT (and there is always a but)
This semester is the most important thing right now.
It's easy to get caught up in the "what could be" that we lose sight of what's going on right now.
So it's focus time. To get There I need to be Here.
Until next time!
Brecklen Taylor