Monday, October 15, 2012

Guardian Angels

Adriana and Santiago. Those are the angels god sent me. I met them getting off the plane in London and found they too were traveling to Nairobi via Dubai. They had missed the same plane I had. They have saved up to go in a 14 day safari in Kenya and Tanzania. Together we discover London heathrow and then Dubai international. Without them I probably would have wandered aimlessly through the airport and then returned to my gate much too early to board. Instead we walked around taking photos and sending postcards and bought a little something that said "hey! We were in Dubai!" I mean how often is that going to happen in my lifetime? We talked and joked and they made this awful reroute oh so worth it in the end. I love them for that and wish them all the best on their trip. 
We are currently waiting in the terminal for our flight and boy is it cultural. We have Spanish (supplied by Santiago and Adriana), English (by yours truly and some others, German to my right, French to my left, tribal languages here and there, Arabic at the gate,and Swahili all around. I could live right here in this terminal and be happy. I mean really, what more could I ask for? Friends, language, culture, diversity, and love. Everywhere there is love. A man carrying a woman's bag for her because it is heavy. A group letting a family in front of them because they have children. And of course my friends who have taken me along side them in their journey across the globe. All that's missing is some music and a warm drink. Scratch that. The woman behind me started humming. It counts and I'll take it. Now about that warm drink...

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